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EMatrix by Syneron is the newest and most exciting innovation in bi-polar radiofrequency skin rejuvenation. If younger-looking skin and an improved complexion is something you have been dreaming about, but the high cost of treatments is prohibitive, then you have come to the right place. This sublative resurfacing treatment offers dramatic results improving wrinkles, tone, texture, and minimizing the appearance pores and scars for all skin types. Typically, the eMatrix treatment carries 1000+ price tag.  At Erase MediClinic  we deliver the smooth and more vibrant look eMatrix provides starting at just  200.00. At Erase MediClinic get luxury services without the luxury price. This treatment was featured on the TV show The Doctors.


                                                                                                             What is Sublative?



FDA approved therapy with e-Matrix® for facial and neck rejuvenation is truly a unique treatment. Sublative skin rejuvenation works from the inside out targeting collagen production required for treating wrinkles, acne scars and textural irregularities.Sublative rejuvenation is fractional bi-polar radiofrequency energy. To achieve the best possible results when addressing any skin imperfection, the energy, whether it be laser or light, must be delivered below the skin without overheating the top layer of the skin. This has been the challenge with current more aggressive treatments, because they work by overheating the top layer of the skin to the point of complete ablation (removal), forcing new skin to develop. Sublative rejuvenation keeps the majority of the top layer of skin intact, delivering bulk dermal heating beneath the skin to maximize collagen production. 


                                                                               When will I see results?


A minimum of three treatments every 4 to 6 weeks is typically recommended for optimum results. This can vary depending on your skin’s condition and desired results.


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