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What is a Chemical Peel?



This is a cosmetic procedure that involves brushing an acidic liquid onto the face which acts to remove dead cells and encourages the new ones beneath to grow. The liquids used are either alpha hydroxy acids or trichloro-acetic acid. There are three distinct categories of chemical peel:


Superficial: These work on the upper layer of the skin and don’t damage the cells underneath. The peel is left on for a short time, less than a minute in some cases. You will feel a general tightening of the skin around your face for a couple of hours afterwards. If you want to make sure the effects last, this kind of treatment needs to be repeated regularly.


Medium: This type of peel goes a little deeper and removes the top and middle layer of skin cells. The peel is put on for longer, in most cases a couple of minutes, and when removed you will probably feel a burning sensation or some stinging. Because it’s deeper, you’ll notice the reddening of your skin over the next couple of days and it can take up to a month for this to return to normal. If you want to maintain the effects, you will need to undergo this process every 6 to 12 months.


As you might expect, there are some risks with having a chemical peel, even for the superficial procedures. Changes to skin colour can be permanent and there is the chance of scarring . While there are these risks involved, the science behind chemical peels has progressed quite a lot over the last couple of decades. In the mid-nineties when they first became popular, these cosmetic procedures were associated with a lot of pain and red faces – better formulas and refined approaches have overcome many of these issues. Most cosmetic surgeons point to the value of removing that top layer of dead cells and promoting new growth as well as a new range of peels that work on a wide variety of skin types.

Chemical peels are not just used for reducing the signs of ageing – they can help if you have blemishes such as acne & can soften the appearance of scars. As with any cosmetic procedure, you should ensure that you use a practitioner who is medically qualified & experienced to do a good job. If you want a reasonably low-cost way to boost your complexion, however, chemical peels are a popular option.

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